You never forget cold weather after living in South Bend for two years :)
You never forget cold weather after living in South Bend for two years :)

Out of box thinker with a demonstrated history of working in both academia and industry.

Passionate about applications of statistical and computational methods in Social science. I am modeling emotional state of users while they are using TEXTing platforms.

During my master program at K.N.Toosi University of Technology, I Initiated a policy-making model in economic systems with expectation terms. In that project, cooperated with researchers with different backgrounds including Economics, Industrial engineering, and control systems. As a result, a new framework for modeling expectation terms in macroeconomic models was developed.

I enjoy extending ideas and tools of one science in other sciences. In my point of view, the core logical structure of sciences is similar to each other using their own tailor-made methods to solve problems. It is usually possible to generalize methods of other sciences in special fields. This is why interdisciplinary researches are always inspiring to me. I experienced working in other areas such as economics, Computer Science, and Sociology. I believe there is no boundary among different disciplines while working on practical decision-making projects.