Despite the difficulties of accurately conveying emotions, nonverbal communication, like messaging, has become a dominant mode of communication. My recent research explores how emotional states can be defined, initiated, and tracked in the context of online messaging.
"How emoji and word embedding helps to unveil emotional transitions during online messaging"
Moeen Mostafavi, Michael D Porter
IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon), 2021
"Adapting Online Messaging Based on Emotional State"
Moeen Mostafavi
29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, 2021
Research Projects
Modeling expectation in macroeconomc system
K.N.Toosi University of Technology, 3 years
Supervisors: Dr. Alireza Fatehi & Dr. Hamed Shakouri G.
Advisor: Dr. Peter von zur Muehlen
Other committee members: Dr.Babak Nadjar Araabi & Dr. Hamid Khaloozadeh
Control Design Based on Passivity Indices with Learning
University of Notre Dame, 1 year
Advisor: Dr Panos Antsaklis
Research Implementations
Mindful driving : Analysis of "GPS data from a selection of Facilities Management Fleet vehicles as well as anonymous accident data from UVA Risk Management to help develop the training program".
Preliminary feasibility of technology use in an internet-delivered intervention: Improving sleep in older adults with mild cognitive impairment